
Crafting a Brand That Sticks

Learn how to create a brand. Explore branding concepts for business owners like logo design, websites, social media, building trust & your online presence.

Image of Taylen Sather, Owner of Aryze Design
November 27, 2023
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A Graphic displaying small images of branding features like text, fonts, images and shapes.

You’re a financial advisor, an accountant, or a plumber… No, it’s even worse, you’re an entrepreneur/business owner and can’t find the time to worry about learning a concept people keep bringing up: your brand. Branding can really feel like a pain, especially when you’ve never learned how to brand and, more realistically, have no time for it. Let’s make branding easy: here are five essential concepts to consider when crafting a brand that sticks!

Telling Your Story Visually.

To sum “branding” up in a simple sentence, “branding is the practice of creating a strong, consistent visual and emotional identity that leaves a lasting impression on consumers.” Branding goes beyond just a logo or a catchy slogan; it’s about conveying the essence of your business. 

So, how can you achieve a stand out brand? Well, branding starts with your logo (but it doesn’t end there!). If your logo reflects the products and services you offer, looks visually appealing to you and your customer base, and has the potential to attract new customers to your business, then you’ve already completed step 1. Your logo should feature unique colors, visual elements and fonts that reflect your business. In contrast, if your logo is abstract, looks outdated and simply thrown together, you’ll want to have a designer create a more unique logo for you! 

Creating Your Digital Storefront

Next up on the branding list is your website. Your website is typically known as the first interaction that people have with your brand and perceptions about your business are made within seconds of viewing and interacting with your site. Make it count. 

Opt for a website that follows a similar color scheme and has the same ‘feel’ of your brand. An easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive website says a lot about the quality of your business, since your digital storefront reflects your physical storefront – whether you have one or not, it’s perceived in the same manner. So, not only does the aesthetic of your website matter, so does users’ interaction with your website. Quick loading times, straightforward navigation and clear calls-to-action will seriously impact customers purchasing decisions. This is because branding extends beyond the visuals of your business and into how customers feel. If your website makes a customer feel frustrated or bored, then they will naturally tie that feeling to your product or services.

Showcasing Your Brand on Social Media

Social Media plays a big role in communicating your brand to your target demographic. It isn’t simply for the younger generation, the vast majority of digital users across various age groups actively engage with some form of social media. Reflecting your brand through the content you share, the interactions you initiate, and the authentic voice you maintain are all integral components of crafting a compelling brand narrative that is essential to furthering your brand, which also positively plays a role on your website’s SEO

Cultivate Trust and Credibility

Trust is essential to building a successful brand with your customers and audience. Showcase your expertise through blogs, articles, case studies and social media posts. Testimonials and reviews on your website and Google My Business add credibility to your brand and business. Use platforms and other brands that are secure and well trusted to extend your brand. Similarly, add stickers, business cards and other forms of premium packaging to ensure a great customer experience from end to end. Use any trust badges and regularly update your site with fresh, relevant content to demonstrate both your industry knowledge and ongoing learning. 

Continuously Adapt and Thrive

The digital landscape is ever-changing. It’s very important for your brand, and business, to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies related to branding and website design. You should regularly analyze your website’s performance using analytics tools. Adapt your strategies based on user behavior and market trends. As you build your brand, continue to evolve with the times, maintain your relevance and keep your audience engaged.

In essence, crafting a standout brand involves visually telling your story, creating a seamless online experience, and authentically engaging with your audience on social media. Trust and credibility are nurtured through expertise and transparent interactions. Continuous adaptation to digital trends ensures your brand's relevance and audience engagement. Happy branding!

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