
How to Create Better Calls to Action

Boost conversions with effective Call to Action buttons! Learn to use action-oriented language, create urgency, A/B test, tailor CTAs & make them stand out.

Image of Taylen Sather, Owner of Aryze Design
October 16, 2023
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Graphic Displaying Call-to-Action Buttons

Call to action (CTA) buttons are an essential part of any website, as they help to guide users towards taking a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. However, not all CTA buttons are created equal, and it's important to make sure that they are designed and placed in a way that is most likely to convert users into customers. Let’s talk about 5 ways to create better CTA buttons on your website!

1. Use Action-Oriented Language

The language used in a CTA button should be action-oriented and niche-specific to encourage users to take the desired action. Here are 10 great examples of CTA Buttons for a specific niche, being financial advisors:

  1. "Try our Free Assessment"
  2. "Start your Wealth Journey"
  3. "Gain Financial Clarity"
  4. "Plan Your Retirement"
  5. "Protect Your Assets"
  6. "Book a Meeting"
  7. "Achieve Your Goals"
  8. "Manage Your Wealth"
  9. "Save Smarter"
  10. "Get a Free Plan"

2. Make Your CTA Stand Out

CTA buttons should be prominently placed on the website, such as in headers, footers, and relevant sections. They should be designed to stand out from the rest of the website’s elements. Do this through contrasting colors and making them both big and easy to click. There should be plenty of space on a mobile device to click a CTA button!

3. Use Urgency and Scarcity

This is a psychological selling trick that works, like, all of the time! Use language that creates a sense of urgency or scarcity, such as "limited time offer" or "only a few left." You’ll see terms like these plastered throughout the promotional emails you receive and, it’s no coincidence, it’s because they work! Invoking a sense of both urgency and scarcity is a sales 101 trick, and it’s one that you should be using!

4. Test Different Variations

Get hands-on with your audience by employing A/B testing for your CTAs. Try out different button colors, sizes, and wording to discover what truly resonates with your clients. This personalized approach allows you to tailor your CTAs to their preferences, ensuring a more engaging and meaningful interaction with your customers. Plus, on a more obvious level, generate more revenue and conversions when your buttons start to work well!

5. Tailor your CTA Buttons

Different content and pages require different calls-to-action! You’ll want to ensure that your CTA buttons are reflective of the content they appear beside or are adjacent to. This is because they aren’t a “one-size-fits-all” and you should segment your audience based on the pages they are drawn to. For example, if someone finds themselves on a “Retirement Planning” page of your website, ensure that your CTA buttons match the content, like "Plan Your Retirement" rather than "Try our Free Assessment."

Creating effective CTA buttons is about inspiring action. Whether it's using urgent language or tailoring buttons to specific content, every detail matters. By employing A/B testing and strategic language, you're not just guiding users; you're creating connections that drive conversions. Start creating CTAs that don't just stand out but truly resonate, turning visitors into valued clients!

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